Watch Documentary

Forty Five years in the making, the documentary telling the story behind the story of Capital Radio 604 will premier on January 25th at 12 Noon SA time.

Click the image above to watch the documentary, and also enjoy clips of what was left on the cutting room floor.


If you haven’t yet done so you MUST watch Craig J. Johnston’s documentary about Capital Radio. It is informative, intelligent, fascinating, nostalgic, emotional, interesting (I have 604 adjectives I could use but these 6 will suffice). Craig spent years working on this film and show him your appreciation by watching it but more importantly, treat yourself this weekend. You will be pleased you did so. Put a sparkle in your weekend! (and tell your friends about it too).

I’ve just had the privilege of watching Craig’s work on this documentary and I can honestly give it one word……BRILLIANT……. I strongly recommend you get a copy and watch this piece of History it’s well worth it.

Finally managed to watch the excellent 604 documentary on Amazon Prime. Some fantastic memories of when I was an adolescent in Johannesburg in the 80’s trying to get a decent signal to listen to my favourite ever radio station. Loved the emotion of my fellow Evertonian Alan Khan at the end too…💙. Capital Radio was a very important part of my life for many years and I still occasionally listen to the old podcasts.. Great to reminisce…😎

I have managed to watch the documentary from start to finish 👍 I recommend one to buy the documentary as I won’t be telling all here about it 😁 All I can say it’s a great and factual documentary and thanks to all who produced it and made it possible for us to know the facts.

As a young white male growing up in apartheid SA we were brainwashed and the truth what was happening in our country was hidden from mostly white South Africans. Luckily for myself I grew up without blinkers and was an inquiring person and like to learn and enjoyed meeting new people. The only resource I had to know what was happening in SA was reading the daily newspapers. I had a political awakening when growing up with hearing my father curse the nationalist government and getting involved in politics after leaving school.

Living in apartheid SA was living in a bubble. Not knowing the right from wrong and truth from lies that was spinned by the nationalists government.

Both the apartheid and ANC governments, both nationalist governments went out of their way to control society and its people. The sad truth is they both didn’t want Capital Radio 604 to continue as it spoke truth to power and broke boundaries.

Currently we experiencing control by the current government over its people and quashed the idea of SA as a place of free thinkers and they dictate how to run our lives.

It’s time South Africans take back their power and hold the government accountable. We need to truly liberate ourselves from past and we all South Africans need to unite for our future. We deserve better! ✊👊